How to enable or disable custom content and mods in Sims 4

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The Sims 4 comes with various items like furniture, wall and floor designs, hairstyles, clothes, and more. Every expansion pack and every stuff pack brings even more. But, the game fans are also creating the most amazing things – these are called CC, which stands for custom content. You can install the downloaded ones and then enjoy using them while playing the game.

The mods – game modifications also bring a lot. Now, if you want to play a game without a CC, you don’t have to go to your “Downloads” folder and delete these. An excellent option in the Sims 4 settings allows you to turn CC and mods on and off as you like. This article will show you how to enable or disable custom content and mods in Sims 4, so keep reading.

See also: How to enable Sims 3 camera in Sims 4

How to enable or disable custom content and mods in Sims 4

As mentioned, if you wish to play the game without CC or mods, you don’t have to go to the folder where these are placed and then delete them. There is an easy way to disable them. You can turn them on and off as you please. Here is how:

  • In the game, click on the three dots located in the top-right corner of the screen to open the menu
  • Next, click Game Options
  • Now click Other, situated on the left side of the window
  • Click on “Enable Custom Content and Mods” to enable or disable it

  • You will be notified to restart the game so the changes can take place.
  • Once you are done, click Apply Changes at the bottom of the window.

This is how you can enable or disable CC and Mods in the game. Since it is super simple, you can change it anytime.

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