How To Use The Kid Mode In HTC One M8

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Kid mode is an interesting feature in every Smartphone. HTC One M8 also includes this feature and the kid mode in this phone allows locking the phone by letting you access to the apps that are educational and entertaining. But all the other apps and contacts remain safe. If you are not aware of the app’s uses then learn here to use Kid mode in HTC One M8.

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The full instruction to use the Kid mode in HTC One M8

Switch to Kid Mode:

> Launch the kid mode. Kid mode let your children to enjoy the games while protect the important data from getting deleted. If you are using it for the first time then you have to sign up to the Zoodles account or if you already have it then log in with the details.

> On the main screen of Zoodle tap the profile that you have made for your kid.

> Press the icons to access the games, read story book etc.

How To Use The Kid Mode In HTC One M-1

How to allow your child to access an app in Kid mode:

You can choose which app in your HTC One M8 will be accessible to your child in Kid mode. To do so,

> Open the Zoodles main screen and tap ‘Parent Dashboard’. You can also get to this option by going to settings-Security-Kid Mode.

> Confirm the action with your kid’s lock settings. You can do it either by drawing Z on the screen or by entering your child’s birth year.

> Go to the ‘Apps’ then under ‘basic features’. This will show you all the apps that are installed in your HTC One M8.

> Select the app that you want your child to access in Zoodles.

If you want to take calls while in kid mode then go to Basic features > settings and select or clear the ‘Allow incoming call’ option.

Close Kid mode:

Hit the option ’X’ in the Zoodles main screen to close the kid mode.

This full instruction will help you to use the Kid mode in HTC One M8 now.