Best Xbox Emulator for Android

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Xbox by Microsoft is so far one of the best gaming consoles ever. If you have memories of your favorite Xbox games and want to revisit them on your smartphone or tab, it’s possible via Xbox emulators for Android. So, let’s explore some of these emulators to help you find the best one.

Microsoft is quite strict about its digital rights. Though you can play Minecraft and some other vintage games on your Android devices via these emulators, some games are restricted. Yet, here are some of the highest-rated apps you’ll easily find on Google PlayStore.

Is it Possible to Play Xbox Games on Android?

Yes, you can play Xbox games on Android devices. That’s because Xbox emulation is growing in large numbers and you can use the emulators to do it.

Emulators are basically apps or software programs that work as translators between Microsoft instructions and Android codes. However, not all emulators can teleport you to a real Xbox gaming environment.

How to Find Xbox Emulators for Android?

There are two ways of finding Xbox emulators for Android. First, you can go to Google PlayStore and search for Xbox Emulators. The second option is to look for open-source software that requires a BSD license but comes for free.

A perfect example is Xemu, which is available for free. Though it’s a cross-platform emulator that works on Windows, Linux, and Mac, it’s yet to be available for Android. If you want to enjoy Xbox games on your PC, you can download Xemu from Google.

However, though getting these emulators for free is possible, you need to buy the games separately. Once you’ve purchased the games you want to play, you can enjoy seamless gaming sessions on your smartphone or tablet.

Xbox Game Pass – Best Multiplatform Xbox Emulator

Microsoft has its own cross-platform gaming service known as Xbox Game Pass. It includes a huge number of games from Xbox’s whole range of 400 games. To make the most of this app, you need to make a subscription. The emulator comes with fundamental features like save states, load states, screenshots, shared videos, and much more.

Though Game Pass is quite a popular app, some users complain that it only renders up to 1080p videos at 60fps, not 4K videos. The emulator also works best on Windows and may lag at times on Android devices.

Xbox Beta – Best Xbox 360 Emulator for Android

Another cloud gaming service of Microsoft is Xbox Beta, which is rated 4.3 by about 80K users across the globe. No doubt it lets them have endless fun with their Xbox games while using their Android phones and tabs on the go. And the best part is that many Xbox games are available here with all the basic features like game saves, screenshots, chat boxes, and more.

Xbox Beta is mostly known for its range of Xbox 360 games like Call of Duty. But when in multiplayer mode, the emulator tends to be a bit glitchy at times, which is a downside.

Things to Consider Before Installing an Xbox Emulator for Android

Though the process of downloading an Xbox emulator for Android is pretty much simple, you need to consider certain aspects before doing it. Here’s a list of things you need to check before installing an Xbox emulator for your Android devices.

Latest Android Version

Whether you’re using an Android phone or tab, it has to have at least the Android 4.0 version. The more advanced version you use, the less number of glitches you’ll experience. That’s because your phone or tab’s operating system needs to be fast enough to support high-end Xbox games.

Powerful ROM

Your phone needs a powerful ROM to play the original Xbox games. The ROM of your phone should update the firmware to ensure high performance during gaming. For Xbox games, a 16GB ROM is the ultimate, but an 8GB ROM will also work decently.


Though you won’t find as many Xbox emulators for Android as the PlayStation, GBA, and Nintendo DO emulators, the number of Xbox emulators for Android is rising fast. Now that you know some of the best emulators and how to get them, just go ahead and download them to enjoy an exciting Xbox gaming session on your smartphone or tablet.