18 Etiquette Rules You Still Need to Follow in Virtual Meetings

18 Etiquette Rules You Still Need to Follow in Virtual Meetings
Virtual meetings have become a staple of modern work life, but just because you're at home doesn't mean manners go out the window. Here are some essential etiquette rules.
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1. Prepare Ahead of Time

Have your materials ready and know the agenda. Being prepared shows respect for your colleagues' time and helps the meeting run smoothly. This keeps the meeting efficient and productive.

Prepare Ahead of Time

2. Punctuality Matters

Being on time shows respect for everyone's schedule. Log in a few minutes early to troubleshoot any technical issues and be ready to start on time.

Punctuality Matters

3. Dress Appropriately

While it might be tempting to stay in pajamas, dressing appropriately helps set a professional tone. You don't need a full suit, but avoid overly casual attire.

Dress Appropriately

4. Stay Engaged

Show you're paying attention by nodding, smiling, and using appropriate body language. Avoid multitasking, as it can be obvious and comes across as disrespectful.

Resist the urge to check emails or browse the internet. Give the meeting your full attention as you would in person.

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Stay Engaged

5. Introduce Everyone

If you're the host, introduce all participants or have them introduce themselves. This creates a more inclusive environment.

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Introduce Everyone

6. Mute When Not Speaking

Keep your microphone muted when you're not speaking to avoid background noise and distractions. This helps maintain a clear and focused meeting environment.

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Mute When Not Speaking

7. Make Eye Contact

Look into the camera when speaking, not at yourself or others on the screen. This simulates eye contact and helps you appear engaged.

Make Eye Contact

8. Use a Professional Background

If possible, choose a neutral background or use a virtual background that isn’t distracting. This keeps the focus on you and your contributions, not what's happening behind you.

Use a Professional Background

9. Test Your Tech

Before the meeting, test your internet connection, microphone, and camera to avoid technical issues. This ensures you can participate fully.

Test Your Tech

10. Minimize Distractions

Try to ensure a quiet environment during the meeting. Let household members know you’re in a meeting to minimize interruptions.

Minimize Distractions

11. Respect Speaking Order

Avoid talking over others. Use features like the "raise hand" function or wait for a pause to contribute, ensuring everyone has a chance to speak. Interrupting is even more disruptive in virtual settings.

Respect Speaking Order

12. Speak Clearly

When it's your turn to speak, do so clearly and at a moderate pace. Make sure your microphone is positioned correctly to avoid muffling your voice. Poor audio quality can make it hard to understand mumbling or fast speech.

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Speak Clearly

13. Use Video When Possible

Keep your camera on to show you're engaged, but be aware of your body language and facial expressions. Act as if you're in a physical meeting.

Turning on your camera helps build connection and trust. It also encourages engagement and reduces multitasking.

Use Video When Possible

14. Follow Up

If there are action items or follow-up tasks, make sure to complete them promptly. Send a summary or follow-up email if necessary to keep everyone on the same page.

Follow Up

15. Use Chat Wisely

Use the chat function for relevant questions or comments, not for off-topic discussions. This keeps the meeting focused and professional.

Use Chat Wisely

16. Limit Eating

Avoid eating during the meeting unless it’s informal and everyone is aware. If you need a drink, take sips discreetly.

Limit Eating

17. Express Appreciation

Thank the organizer and participants at the end of the meeting. A little gratitude goes a long way in maintaining a positive professional relationship.

Express Appreciation

18. End on Time

Respect everyone's schedule by ending meetings promptly. If more time is needed, schedule a follow-up.

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End on Time
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