The New Update Of Pangu To Jailbreak iOS 9 Has Been Released

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Previously, Pangu has released their first jailbreak tool for iOS 9 and we have discussed “how to jailbreak iOS 9” using this tool. With a very easy to follow method, you can jailbreak iOS 9.0 – iOS 9.0.2 with this jailbreak tool. Today, the new update of Pangu for iOS 9 has been released. Pangu released an update to its jailbreak utility for iOS 9 that improves its reliability and success rate with the new version: Pangu 1.1.

The New Update Of Pangu To Jailbreak iOS 9 Has Been Released

This is the release note and new things on Pangu 1.1:

1. Improve the success rate and reliability of the jailbreak program for 64bit devices
2. Optimize backup process and improve jailbreak speed, and fix an issue that leads to “fail to jailbreak” due to low disk space in Windows.
3. Fix a bug that leads to an exit of the jailbreak tool due to abnormal network status.
4. Add the re-jailbreak function (only for some devices that were upgraded via iTunes, but were detected as jailbroken)
5. Fix a bug that leads to fail to use the instrument function in Xcode.

Unfortunately, up to now, Pangus hasn’t provided the jailbreak tool for the Mac OS. This tool only available for Windows. You can download the new Pangu 1.1, here.

The other news: iOS 9 Adoption Rate Reached 61%, This Is A Huge Success?