New Leaked Schematics Of iPad Air 3 And Its Case Reveal The Smart Connector

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The leaked images of what seems to be iPad Air 3 case with Smart Connector, 4 speakers, and LED flash have been found in This site previously posted a schematic image of iPad Air 3, which shown its 2 new features: 4 speakers at the top and bottom of the device, and LED flash on the rear camera. In the current leaked images, revealed one more feature: Smart Connector. It’s a 3 pin connector that was introduced on iPad Pro to connect the accessories, like an external keyboard with iPad Pro.

New Leaked Schematics of iPad Air 3 and its case reveal the smart connector

Today, the new schematic image of iPad Air 3, complete with its dimension is also circulating on the Internet, and it is in line with the case image above. On that schematic image, iPad Air 3 has a 0.05mm thicker and 0.01mm wider than its predecessor. Moreover, it’s also seen that Smart Connector on that schematic image reaffirms the iPad Air 3 case.

If the leaked schematic is the drawing of iPad Air 3, the device will have the same feature as iPad Pro, and it will be even better because it has the additional feature: LED flash. The next question is, will iPad Air 3 also support the Apple Pencil? According to rumor, iPad Air 3 will be announced at Apple event in March.

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