Maybe You Will See The Android Phone from Blackberry This Year

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A couple of years ago, there was a rumor about Blackberry, which will release their new smartphone series with Android Operating system. This Blackberry handset has been discussed all a round the Internet as the project named “Venice”. This rumor is getting hot with the render image of a Blackberry with Android OS. From that image, we can see that the handset has a slider display design to access the keyboard, as it is one of the Blackberry’s characters. Unfortunately, there was no other additional information related to the rumor at that time.

Today, @evleaks shared 2 images related to this Android phone from Blackberry through his Tweeter. He’s popular as a trusted source who always shares the leaked images related to the rumors. This time, his leaked image is a complete render of Blackberry with Android OS inside.

From that image we can see that the display design of this new Blackberry adopts the curve edge display like Samsung S6 Edge on both sides. By adopting this kind of display, the device looks premium. This display can be slid up to access the QWERTY keyboard that is under the display, which is the other characteristic of Blackberry. The other main attention is the Android Lolipop OS. It’s not an Android customization from Blackberry.

Besides, the render image above, @evleaks also shared the graphic about the infographic of end user information related to this Blackberry’s Android.

This infographic explains Blackberry hub, real Google Play Store and more. It can become an important information for a buyer who want to know the capability of the Blackberry’s Android, shortly. On his tweet, @evleaks revealed the availability of this new Blackberry in November this year in US through 4 big providers: AT&T, Verizon, T-Mobile, and Sprint.

Of course it’s not the official announcement from Blackberry, but the 2 leaked images have shown a big probability. It is a bit difficult for Blackberry to get the top smartphones position, right now, because the market is dominated by Android and iOS platforms. So, the only option for them at this moment is to adopt the Android OS. This is a wise decision. With support from Blackberry security system inside, this handset can become the first Android phone with the most secure system, because Blackberry is well known for that.

The Android adoption by Blackberry can be the first step to get back their smartphone market. Their new buyers can be convinced easily that all the applications they need are available at Google Play Store. Moreover, with the great handset quality, built-in Blackberry software, and the excellent security system, the users will love this Android phone from Blackberry.

Source: @evleaks via Neowin

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