IPhone 5 VS IPhone 4S (Infographics) . Below is a visual infographic, that’s comparing iphone 5 and the iphone 4s.
I need to hear your voice on this comparison. Full detailed comparison of it’s hardware and software infrastructures. The best and most used Features of the IPhone 5.
In the IPhone 5 Vs IPhone 4s comparison infographic, it shows clear that the IPhone 5 is better overall but in certain aspect like Storage it’s the same with the IPhone 4s. The Talk time which streams up to 8hours is both the same on the IPhone 5 and the IPhone 4s, however the 4″ Retina display surpass the 3.5″ Retina display on the IPhone 4.
I love the 1136X 640 Pixel resolution on the IPhone 5 ,it gives clear visually and high color render images.
The most adequate features of the IPhone 5 in the IPhone 5 vs IPhone 4s comparison is the Chip. The A6 Chip is way faster than that of the IPhone 4s which is packed with A5. Gaming and Streaming videos is much more fluent and faster.Little to no lags and buffering with the IPhone 5 A6 chipest .
IPhone 5 VS IPhone 4S (Infographics)

IPhone 5 vs IPhone 4s