It Would Be Amazing If iOS Could Adopt These MacOS Features

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Mac and iPhone are two most popular devices. Mac got its huge popularity in 1998, when iMac was introduced by Steve Jobs. While iPhone came in 2007 and became popular really fast as a smartphone which has a unique concept. Today, Mac and iPhone become two brands with the best sales in the world in a smartphone and computer categories.

It Would Be Amazing If iOS Can Adopt These macOS Features

Besides the hardware quality, both devices are famous for their operating systems inside: macOS on Mac and iOS on iPhone. These operating systems are easy to use yet useful for daily usage. Apple keeps developing them, especially in terms of its apps and features design similarity.

Apple seems to be focusing the development on how to make MacOS looks alike iOS. There are many iOS features adopted by MacOS, like Siri, notification center, etc. Conversely, is there any MacOS features that could be adopted by iOS?

Here are macOS features that can be adopted by iOS

1. WiFi network quick switch feature

As and iPhone user, I feel difficult to switch WiFi network. We have to access this feature  through Settings and tap WiFi. While on Mac, we can switch it fast by clicking the WiFi icon on the menu bar on the desktop menu bar. It would be great if Apple could adopt this feature to iPhone. They can integrate it to control center.

Apple seems focusing teh development on how to make macOS looks alike iOS. There are many iOS features adopted by macOS, like Siri, notification center, etc. Conversely, is there any macOS feature can be adopted by iOS?

2. Simplified the settings

MacOS has system preferences with Settings menu neatly arranged base on certain categories. It only has a few of icons. But, what we find on iOS of the iPhone? A long Settings list. It can confuse the users. If Apple can simplify it by classifying the settings in certain areas, it would be terrific. Foremost, the settings for third party apps. I think it’s necessary placing them on the first page of Settings, which makes a very long list.

Apple seems focusing teh development on how to make macOS looks alike iOS. There are many iOS features adopted by macOS, like Siri, notification center, etc. Conversely, is there any macOS feature can be adopted by iOS?

3. Multiple Accounts

MacOS has been adopting the multiple accounts for a quite long time. This feature allows the user to use Mac without disturbing data and settings of another user. For example, if someone borrow you MacBook, they can access it through “Guest account” instead of your account. In fact, the multiple accounts feature has been adopted by Android and I think iPhone should adopt it as well. Therefore, we can use iPhone as a business tool too. We can have different online accounts: personal and business.

Apple seems focusing teh development on how to make macOS looks alike iOS. There are many iOS features adopted by macOS, like Siri, notification center, etc. Conversely, is there any macOS feature can be adopted by iOS?

4. Guest account

Guest account on MacOS allows  us to borrow our device to someone else without disturbing our account. The guest account has limited features so that the person that borrows your Mac cannot access to your data, admin settings, etc. Sometimes, we also borrow our iPhone to someone, whether that is our friend, kids, or family members. Adopting this feature, would make iPhone even more awesome.

Apple seems focusing teh development on how to make macOS looks alike iOS. There are many iOS features adopted by macOS, like Siri, notification center, etc. Conversely, is there any macOS feature can be adopted by iOS?

5. Screen saver

Through screen saver, we can see certain animation or the other content whenever we aren’t using Mac. As well as the iPhone. Sometimes, we don’t use iPhone and certain screen saver can give it a sensation. Apple’s plan to adopt OLED screen which can support the screen saver implementation on iPhone. So does, it will not drain your iPhone battery too fast.

Apple seems focusing teh development on how to make macOS looks alike iOS. There are many iOS features adopted by macOS, like Siri, notification center, etc. Conversely, is there any macOS feature can be adopted by iOS?

Those are some MacOS features that could be adopted by iOS and make iPhone better. Do you have any other suggestion regarding MacOS features on iOS? Let me know in the comment section.

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