How To Use The Heart Rate Monitor On The Samsung Galaxy S5

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The Heart Rate Monitor on the Samsung Galaxy S5. We all know about it and it is also considered as one of the biggest hardware advancements in the Samsung devices. It lets you know how much calories you are burning and consuming, and of course your heart’s bpm. The smart thing is that, it does not require you to purchase any additional accessories. And to maintain the slimness of the device, Samsung integrated this little bad boy under the camera housing besides the camera’s LED flash. But enough of the boasting about the heart rate monitor on the Galaxy S5. We all know why we are here. To know how to use the heart rate monitor on the Samsung Galaxy S5.

So read along and know the perfect way of knowing your heart beats and the calories that you’re burning on a daily basis.

How To Use The Heart Rate Monitor On The Samsung Galaxy S5

You handle almost all your health related information on the Galaxy S5 through the Samsung’s S Health app. And besides just measuring your heart’s bpm, it also acts as a pedometer, track your exercises and also keep your diet in check. I have seen people keeping a banana on that heart rate monitor to see whether it detects it or not. And surprisingly, it does.

Taking your heart’s bpm with your phone

How To Use The Heart Rate Monitor On The Samsung Galaxy S5

How To Use The Heart Rate Monitor On The Samsung Galaxy S5 (Image 1)

Here’s how you access the heart rate monitor on the Galaxy S5:

  • You open the S Health app and tap the Heart Rate which is placed at the bottom of the app.
  • You will then be taken to a screen which will ask you to place your finger on the heart rate sensor sitting beside the LED flash.

To have an appropriate reading, it is ideal to first tap on the button to begin the reading, then place your index finger on the heart rate sensor. Place your finger securely and make sure that it is not too firm, it should be secure though. While the app is sensing your heart rate, you should be still and not move around or do anything else, and let the S5 do its magic.

After a few seconds, you will see your heart rate on the screen along with the date and time when it was taken. This information is recorded in the app for future references but you can delete that which I will tell you how in a moment.

The heart rate sensor is quite accurate. So while you’re measuring yours, just make sure that you are staying still and consistent.

Track the heart rate over time with those statistics

How To Use The Heart Rate Monitor On The Samsung Galaxy S5

How To Use The Heart Rate Monitor On The Samsung Galaxy S5 (Image 2)

It is quite fascinating that you can take your heart rate with your phone, and anyone can easily get into a habit of doing that regularly. So, if you do get a habit of doing that, you will be able to look at your heart rate history in the hour, day, and month intervals in the S Health app. Once you take your heart rate, tap that little triangle shaped button at the bottom right corner of the screen to view the history of your heart rate.

Though this information might not prove to be much useful to anyone but it is a great thing to have. At least you know more about yourself through the heart rate sensor.