How To Use People Edge Feature On Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+

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There are so many awesome smartphones today, so we all can easily find a device that will be absolutely perfect for our needs. If you just purchased Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge Plus, there are some tricks you should know because that will ensure you get the most out of this device. This smartphone met the all the expectations the users had, and it comes with a wide range of features designed to make the usage simple and interesting. People Edge is one of the main features on this smartphone, and it definitely deserves special attention. If you want to know how to use People Edge feature on Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ keep on reading, because we are going to explain what this feature is and how you can enable it.

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How to use People edge feature on Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+

As mentioned, People Edge is one of the main features on Samsung Galaxy S6 Edge+ and it is also one of the most useful ones. Once you turn it on, it will give you access to your favorite contacts so that you can see the notifications from them, send them a text message or call them using the shortcut. All you need to do is swipe in from the Edge towards the middle of the screen and you will see five bubbles (shortcuts) with your favorite people.

First, you need to make sure this feature is set to “ON”. To do that, go to Settings, touch Edge screen and then tap on People Edge to make sure it is enabled.

The next thing you should do is to choose your five favorite contacts, by going to Settings > Edge screen > People Edge > My people, and add contacts you want.

With this awesome feature, texting or calling your favorite people will be simpler than ever!

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