How to get Fortnite refund

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Fortnite is a trending first-person shooter game available on PC, Xbox, PlayStation, and smartphone platforms. This game is free to download and play, but many in-game purchases exist. The in-game purchases are not cheap, and sometimes they are accidentally purchased by the user. In such cases, Epic Games has started refunding services for accidental purchases in Fortnite. A new update from Fortnite has included services for in-game refunds. If you are looking for steps to get a Fortnite refund, check out the content below.

There are two types of Fortnite refunds. One is provided by Epic Games, and the other is an in-game refund. It depends upon the user which kind of refund they want.

In-game Fortnite refund

This refund is available in the game for unwanted purchases. Applying for or requesting a refund can be done in a few seconds with two to three clicks. This is the most convenient way to get a refund, and it’s possible after accidental purchases, unauthorized purchases, and if the item is not as expected. But the main drawback of this type of refund is that you can get it only three times. There are only three refunds for lifetime purchases. So, one must be careful while requesting a refund. The process is similar for every platform. To get a refund, you need to follow the steps below:

  1. Open Fortnite Battle Royale on your PC, console, or Android/iOS devices.
  2. Click on the Menu option present in the top right corner of the screen.
  3. From the menu tab, click on the Settings option.
  4. Open the “Account and Content” tab from the settings cog.
  5. From the “Unintentional Purchases” section, click on the “Submit a request” button.
  6. Select the items you have purchased.
  7. Select the item for which you want a refund.
  8. After selecting the reason, click on the Submit Request button.

The V-bucks for the items purchased are refunded immediately and are ready to be used for your future purchases.

Epic Games Store refund

Epic Games has initiated refunds for purchases made from the Epic Store and in-game purchases. However, it is a complicated and lengthy process. You can request a refund within 14 days after the purchase of an item. You need to visit the official Epic Games website and open their Support center. Then send an email to Epic Games explaining the situation and listing the items for which you want a refund.

The user must fulfill some criteria for getting a refund, such as the following:

  • The player must have a genuine account,
  • More than two hours played,
  • Must submit a request no later than 14 days after the item is purchased.

You can also apply for an entire game refund which means you will receive all the purchases you have made on the Epic Store for the game, plus the in-game purchases and downloadable content charges.

The money is generally refunded by the payment method you used to purchase the items, and it can be a credit/debit card or any other wallet. The refund processing time depends upon the user’s payment method. However, an alternate payment method can be added by the user to get a refund faster.


You can follow any of the above methods to get a Fortnite refund. However, before submitting a request, you must cross-check that you are fulfilling the eligibility criteria for getting a refund. Otherwise, Epic Games will determine you as violating the refund policy and cancel your refund claim.