How to Fix Missing Personal Hotspot After iOS Update

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Another common issue related to iOS update that I recently found on the Internet forums is, the issue of some users who have their Personal Hotspot disappear on their iOS device, after they updated their iOS, whether that’s from iOS 7 to iOS 8 or the latest from iOS 8.1.1 to iOS 8.1.2. So, our post this time will be about: how to fix missing Personal Hotspot after iOS update.

Personal Hotspot has became an important part of the Internet network sharing, from the provider that we use on our iPhone or iPad to be shared with other device around us, which need Internet network.

But in some cases, users found their Personal Hotspot is missing after they updated their devices to the latest version of iOS. Don’t panic. I will share some useful solutions with you, so you can fix the problem.

how to fix missing Personal Hotspot after iOS update

Try the following steps and I hope this will help you solve your personal hotspot problem.

  • Go to Settings >> Cellular >> Cellular Data Network (scroll down until you find PERSONAL HOTSPOT menu). Under PERSONAL HOTSPOT you will find APN. Make sure your Personal Hotspot APN is filled by settings from your provider. For Username you can enter anything, it doesn’t really matter.
How to Fix Missing Personal Hotspot After iOS Update


  • Go back to the Settings window and you will see Personal Hotspot feature appears on the screen of your iOS device.
How to Fix Missing Personal Hotspot After iOS Update


  • If the APN is filled already, but Personal Hotspot menu has not appeared yet, tap Reset Settings on Cellular Data window

That’s all. Three quick and simple steps you can try in order to solve your Personal Hotspot problem. After you followed the method above, we hope you will get your Personal Hotspot feature back on your iPhone, iPad or iPod touch.