How to change your Funimation password

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Have you forgotten the password for one of the best anime streaming services and are now frustrated? Well, there is no reason to be frustrated. We are going to help you reset and change your password. So, in this article, we are going to be showing you a few different ways how you can change (or reset) your current Funimation password. Let’s cut the chase and get straight to the point:

Steps to changing and resetting your password on

If you have forgotten your password:

  • You will first need to open up your browser. Google Chrome is preferred, but you have the ability to use any kind of browser.
  • Search for Funimation in the search bar, or open it by clicking on this link
  • Once you have opened up Funimation in your browser, click on the login button to start the login process, but, do not log into your account. Instead of that, click on the Forgot your password? The button that is located right under the empty spaces.
  • You are going to be taken to another page where you will need to leave your Funimation account details, the email, the last password that you remember, and the email where they can send you more details.
  • Go to your email and follow further directions there in order to reset your Funimation password.

And if you want to change your password, but you already know the current one:

  • Again, go to your browser and open Funimation in it. Click on the login button and log into your account this time.
  • Once your account and the Home page of Funimation loads, click on the My Account button.
  • You are going to be taken to another page where you will need to find and click on the My Information section.
  • After that opens up, click on the Edit button so that you can make edits to your account.
  • Find the Password section and click on it. Now, you should be taken to a new page where you will need to type in the last password that you remember, and the new one.
  • And when you are done with that, make sure to save your changes, because if you do not, the old password is still going to be active on your account.

Steps to changing and resetting your password on your IOS devices and on mobile apps

The steps for changing and resetting your password on your phone (or any other device) are kind of the same as the ones from the previous paragraph.

  • The first thing that you need to do is to open up the Funimation app on your device.
  • Click on the login button, but do not log into your account. Instead of that, find the Forgot password button and click on it.
  • You will be taken to another page where you will have to type in your account information. For example, your Funimation email, the last password that you remember and etc…
  • Funimation is going to send you an email with further details and instructions. That email is often located in the spam folder, so if you cannot find it, make sure to check all of the folders in your email. You should be able to reset your password and get a new one this way. You will probably be asked to confirm your identity in your email so that they make sure that the Funimation account really does belong to you. Just do all of the instructions that are going to be displayed to you in that email, and the password is going to be reset in no time.