In this article, we will show you some ways to cancel your Shudder subscription. We will show you how to cancel your subscription if you have subscribed to this Shudder platform via PayPal or credit card on their website. Please remember that once you delete or remove the Shudder app from your device, your subscription will not be canceled. You can only cancel the subscription by doing the steps down below. So, without further ado, let’s start with the explanation and the steps to the cancelation process.
Steps to cancel your Shudder subscription if you are signed up with your PayPal account
It will be easy to end if you are paying for your monthly subscription using your PayPal account. You will have to open up the PayPal platform on your browser or just open up the PayPal application on your phone. Log into your PayPal account just like you ordinarily do to continue these steps.
Once you have logged into your account and the Home page of PayPal loads, navigate to the current billing page to see all the recurring payments you have to shudder. You will have to cancel that recurring payment and by canceling it, you will be canceling your whole membership and subscription to Shudder. If you pay using your PayPal account, this is the only way to cancel your Shudder membership. If you do not cancel the recurring payment, Shudder will continue to bill you and PayPal will take the subscription money cost from your account.
Once the recurring payment is canceled, the Shudder platform will notify you immediately that your subscription has been canceled and ended and that you are no longer a member of the Shudder community. You may still be able to stream some content if you have canceled your membership in the middle of the month and have already paid that month’s subscription fee. However, please be assured that the Shudder platform will not bill you for the next month.
Steps to cancel your Shudder subscription if you are signed up with your credit card on their site
If you want to cancel your Shudder subscription but have subscribed to this platform with your credit card on their website, you can only do that on your computer. Open your browser; a Google Chrome browser is preferred, and open up the Shudder platform there.
You will have to log into your Shudder account just like you usually do and then wait until the Home page of this platform opens up and loads on your screen. Once it has been loaded, you will have to navigate to the My Account section so that you can access your account settings. Simply click on the My Account button that should be located in the top right corner of your device’s screen. You will be redirected to your account right away.
When your account and settings load, find the Membership tab and click on it to open up those settings. A whole new page is going to load. After that, click on the Membership Settings, and now, the first thing that you will be able to see on that page is the Cancel Membership button; click on that. Your membership will be canceled right away.