How To Fix Samsung Galaxy S5 Turning On And Off Itself Issue

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Are you facing Samsung Galaxy S5 Turning On And Off Itself Issue? If yes, you are not alone in this group; a lot of Galaxy S5 users have been experiencing this same problem. The smart phone features a powerful processor and lots of processing power, so of course you will experience fast speed when operating your phone, but because of this processing power, the phone gets overheated.. Though Galaxy S5 has been designed to operate multiple apps simultaneously, but still overheating problem occurs sometimes.

Why I am telling overheating is the reason for Samsung Galaxy S5 Turning On And Off Itself Issue because of the phone’s behavior. Also observe some other things such as lag, freezing, delayed response, phone getting warm, etc. to make sure it’s an overheating problem.

Samsung Galaxy S5 Turning On And Off Itself Issue

Samsung Galaxy S5 Turning On And Off Itself Issue

See also- How to close apps and stop them from launching again on Galaxy S5

Tips To Fix Samsung Galaxy S5 Turning On And Off Itself

Step 1: Lessen the use of the Internet and video apps

We know that Galaxy S5 is designed to use for Internet surfing and video apps but these things need a lot of processing jobs. So for sometime minimize the usage of video surfing and the Internet and see if the problem is there.

Step 2: keep your Galaxy S5 in a well ventilated place

Keep your phone in a place so that the heat can go out. If you always keep the phone in your bag, pocket, under the pillow, then keep it out for some time to breath. The temperature of the environment is a big factor that ensures the phone and its battery work in harmony. Also do not leave your phone in hot car.

Step 3: Use a new SD card

If you are using an old SD-card that were used in Galaxy S3 or older phones, then it may carry some corrupted files, videos, pictures that need more processing power resulting overheating.

Step 4: Do not play games or other things when the phone is in charge

Try not to use your Galaxy S5 when it is charging. Many of us play HD games when the phone is charging, but it pushes the processor to work till its limit, but it shortens the battery life.