How To Fix Different Types Of Camera Problems On Samsung Galaxy S5

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The Samsung Galaxy S5 has a lot of features, which make the phone attractive and useful. The camera of this phone is excellent, and it has many effects and filters. However, users have been facing several camera problems on Samsung Galaxy S5 such as camera failed error, camera shows a blank screen when opened, the camera has colored spots etc. This article will tell you the fixes of several camera problems on Samsung Galaxy S5. So you can follow the fix which is applicable to you.

1. The camera shows a blank screen when opening the app

This problem usually occurs because of the camera crashing. This problem happens after a long time of use of the camera app or after updates. By clearing the app’s data and cache, it will fix this problem, or sometimes a reboot will help.

If clearing the app data and cache does not solve the issue, boot your Galaxy S5 to safe mode. See if the problem persists in the Safe mode also. If yes, then perform a factory reset or send the phone for repair.

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Camera Problems

Camera Problems On Samsung Galaxy S5

2. Samsung Galaxy S5 shows camera failed error

Some units are there that may have manufacture issue. So if you get ‘camera failed’ error message on your Galaxy S5, it’s better to contact with Samsung. The company’s representatives will contact you to determine if your phone is one of the units with bugs. If this is the case, then surely you will get a replacement. Otherwise, here are the ways to fix this camera issue.

The ‘camera failed’ issue is either hardware or software problem. So do a factory reset first. If an update is available, download and install it, as it may contain bug fixes. But if the problem persists, then it’s a hardware problem, and you need to contact a repairing center.

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3. Galaxy S5 camera has colored spots or lines

If you see colored spots or lines while taking pictures, then follow the steps below to fix it:

Download the photo to your PC and view using the photo viewer. If the spots or lines are still there even when you are viewing on a different device, then the sensor of your phone may have a problem. Or else, the issue is with the display or the photo viewer on your phone.

See also: How To Fix Different Types Of Camera Problems Galaxy S5