How To Fix Android 4.4.2 KitKat battery drain issue(Solved)

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Android OS 4.4.2 Kitkat is killing the battery of the devices is a very common issue and most of the people who have upgraded their OS system with Kitkat reported that it is consuming a lot of power. However, this is a simple issue you can easily get rid off by going through some simple tricks.

The potential fixes of this issue are explained below.

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Potential fixes for Android 4.4.2 KitKat battery drain issue

Stop Automatic Syncing(KitKat 4.4.2)

Once you sign in the device using Gmail account, it starts syncing all the device data such as calendar, app data, photos, contacts and more that are actually not needed. And the situation becomes worse in case you have more than one account as it will make the battery drain much faster. So it is advised to disable the automatic syncing feature by heading towards Menu > Settings > Accounts and un-check the boxes for automatic sync.

Disable Google Auto-Voice Detection(KitKat 4.4.2)

Google’s Auto voice detection is fully supported by Kitkat 4.4.2 version, so you can enjoy the feature at your best by not using the hands. What you need to do is just say ‘OK Google’ and it will be activated. But unfortunately, this feature is like a monster that eats battery abnormally. So, it is best to deactivate this feature by heading towards Google Now > Settings > Voice and uncheck the box hotword detection.

Battery Saver Apps to solve battery drain KikKat

Download One of these apps. These are the best and the most voted Battery Saver app to extend your battery life. Most effective with the Moto X, Nexus,4,5,7 and Samsung Galaxy’s.

Easy Battery Saver

DU Battery Saver & Widgets

These are all special tips to preserve you battery life with the Andriod Kikkat 4.4.2.

Read Also: How to Fix Nexus 5 Easily Draining Battery Problem