How To Find The Best Wallpapers For Android

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Okay, let’s be honest here. We just don’t want to use the same wallpaper as others. Heck, we even don’t want to use the same apps orientations, but unfortunately, there’s no alternative to that (more on that later because that can be done through launchers). But the truth is, the most famous ways to get a great wallpaper for your Android, has already been used. So that’s not so unique way to get one.

But fortunately, I’ve been able to stumble on some unique and untapped ways to get some really unique wallpapers. So here are some of them:


You might think that I’m kidding, but trust me. You have to check out Muzei because they have easily become one of my most favorite wallpaper apps. They give you a new shot every day. So even if you like to change your wallpaper every day, and do it for the next 365 days, you will not fell short of wallpapers. And that’s not the end of it, you also get a hell lot of plugins to expand the usability of it.

Watch this video, to know more about what I’m talking about.

Download Muzei



This app is quite popular these days, and it has a good reason for it. It delivers those great bright colored and crisped line wallpaper that we all just strive for. To be honest, I didn’t find this one on the internet while researching, but a friend of mine showed me on her phone. And the next thing I remember, I was tapping that “Buy Now” button to purchase the app. Yes, it does cost money, but it is just 99 cents, which does not make a big deal. And if you don’t like it, you can even have a refund for that.

Download Facets



Remember those days when we used to search for the most popular ringtone to set in our Nokia devices. You just used type, in the browser and suddenly find the most loving ringtone of all time? Well that website is still surviving now, and has become one of the biggest sources of ringtones since then. But guess what, they have also ventured into providing one of the best wallpapers too.

And you know what’s better than that? They are still free.

Download Zedge



Do I have to explain what is this website all about? It is one of the first places where I go head hunting to find a great wallpaper. There are thousands of individuals who just like to design great images and want people to download it for free. They just want to give something great to the human community. Almost 90% of all my desktop and mobile wallpapers are downloaded from DeviantArt, which is no surprise.



google plus wallapaers

Don’t hate me for this but this is a pretty good reason to use Google+. And it is pretty easy to use on your Android device because if you happen to stumble on to a great image, you can simply set it as your wallpaper from the options. And if you want to see more cool images, you can go ahead and join some communities. I myself have joined a community called Disney photography where they post awesome images (which can be set as wallpapers) throughout the day. This gives me a great time, and a huge variety of choice to select the images.

Download Google+