Google Pixel has come to fulfill the dream of owning a high-end android smartphone that is wrapped up with some special and unique features. The new Google phone Pixel and Pixel XL is recently unveiled by the company in San Francisco at a big event. The new sets are packed with some special features which are not available in any other android device. The special and best features of Google Pixel are outlined below.
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Unique Features Of The New Google Phone, Google Pixel:
Smart storage
One of the Google special features in Pixel devices is the Smart storage that ensures users will never run short of space. So, no need to worry about having an unlimited backup as everything will be automatically handled and the need of manually managing storage is eliminated. This is done by deleting the old photos and files which are already backed up in the Google Photos. And when you are in need of those files, those will be downloaded from the cloud on demand.
Unlimited storage for photos and videos
Google photos is a built in feature in this new Google phone that allows you to store as many photos and 4K videos you want. Google photos app automatically organizes all the photos you capture and compress them in the high-quality images and all the photos, videos are stored in the cloud for free with no limit.
Google Assistant
Google Assistant is a built in feature in the Pixel and Pixel XL devices that is powered by AI smarts to answer your questions which is more than just a voice search assistant. To activate Google assistant, just long press on the Home button and it will come to the home screen. According to Google, this assistant will become more powerful with more uses.
Improved communication
New Google phone apps such as Allo and Duo come pre-installed in the Pixel device that allows you to communicate in a better way.
Pixel Launcher
Pixel Launcher is another great and unique feature in Pixel device that is the evolution of Google New Launcher. This feature has replaced Google Now with the Google Assistant that is a dynamic calendar icon that shows you the date at a glance, round app icons, revamped app drawer etc. However, Google might bring this feature in other Android device as well in the near future.
Fast charging
With all the special and added features, this device has come to rescue when the battery is almost empty. The fast charging feature in the new Google phone can give you almost 7 hours of power with just 15 minutes charge.
Live customer support for 24/7 hours
Live customer support is a great feature in the Pixel device through which you can avail the customer support both ways – voice chat and texts. Screen sharing is an added advantage that lets you share the screen with the tech supports guys so that they can easily figure out what is the issue you are facing by seeing the screen directly.
So, these are the main special features of Google Pixel devices, and these features set them apart from other Android smartphones.
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