The image, allegedly a display and camera module of Samsung Galaxy S7 is circulating on the Internet, as it was posted by GSM Arena. That image was taken by an employee of a manufacturer. The display image is a standard version of the S7, and it seems it has a 5.2-inch size which is in line with the previous rumor. Under the earpiece, we can see the Samsung logo is covered by a label, while in the bottom of the device there is a home button as Samsung’s characteristic.
On the front facing camera module, there is the part purposed to Samsung device with SM-G930F model. That serial model is known as one of the Samsung Galaxy S7 variants. The other serial number is SM-G930A, which appeared in a benchmark result that was uploaded to a website.
The latest rumor related to Samsung Galaxy S7 was the leaked image of its case. This device is going to be exhibited at MWC in Barcelona, Feb 21. The last thing we know about its release date is a tweet from Evleaks. He mentioned that Galaxy S7 will be available in the U.S on March 11, 2016.
Starting to look like a Friday, March 11th Galaxy release in the U.S.
— Evan Blass (@evleaks) January 22, 2016
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