We have talked the 3 points that seems we’ll be part of iOS 9 on our previous article: What can we expect from iOS 9 for iOS device . Now, we are going to continue our discussion about that. There are 2 more features which is rumored will be available in iOS 9.
Split apps Feature on iPad Pro
Apple seems to still keep this feature or has not found the perfect time yet of when this feature will be available on iOS. Split apps feature allows us to use applications side by side, similar to Windows 8. This feature is fit for iOS device with big screen like iPad Air and seems not really fit for iPad Mini. The rumors also said that Split apps feature is exclusive for iPad Pro which has a big screen and Apple want to use it for this feature. For you who own iPad Air don’t expect too much this feature will appear. It similar to Auto Rotate home screen feature on iPhone 6 plus which is not adopted on iPhone 6 because the screen size is not allowed.
See also: Dreaming iPad Pro Features and The New Rumors
Improvement of OS Quality, Rootless and Security and Trusted-wifi
This last point seems will become a hot feature of iOS 9 itself. iOS development in every year always be followed by new features, but the internal source mentioned that focus of iOS 9 is the internal quality of iOS itself. It can be a good news for some users because many of iOS features have not been maximized yet, and we miss stability, security and well performance from iOS. Focus toward iOS quality in term of its performance is becoming Apple’s goal on iOS 9 wherein iOS 9 can be run on older iOS devices with A5 processor such as iPad 2 and iPhone 4s. This is an important thing which give impression that Apple does not leave their old hardware and focus on the new hardware.
Security is always become Apple’s focus in iOS development and for iOS 9, the internal source said there will be a “huge” security feature which will be implemented to iOS. They know this feature is called “Rootless”. To prevent malware, increase the safety of extensions, and preserve the security of sensitive data, Rootless will prevent even administrative-level users from being able to access certain protected files on Apple devices. It can be the best security from iOS development but it can be a bad news for jailbreak community because this new security system can become a key which is difficult to open.
iCloud Drive encryption can be one of features which will be introduced as a part of the security upgrade to sync apps through iCloud Drive. At this moment, to sync apps like notes, calendar, reminder are using iMAP based sync. It will be changed completely to iCloud Drive which is encrypted.
Trusted Wi-Fi will allow iOS devices to connect to authorized wireless routers without additional security measures. The way it’s supposed to work, iOS 9 should initiate “a more heavily encrypted wireless connection” for non-trusted routers.
The last thing that will be one of improvements and development of iOS 9 is Swift 2.0. Swift is an Apple programming language for Xcode which was introduced at iOS 8 last year. One of disadvantages from Swift is the bigger file size that usual because Apple previously did not include Swift programming code libraries in iOS 8. So, the application that is made in Swift language will bring this code libraries on that application which can reach up to 5MB. In the future on iOS 9, Swift code libraries will become part of iOS 9, so the applications will become slimmer.
Source: 9to5mac