How To Update All Android Apps At Once

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If you just purchased a brand new Android device, you’ll notice there are some pre-installed apps. But, you can install many other apps you want. All of them are available in the Google Play Store. Just open the app, search for something you wish to install and you’ll be done in a minute or two. The app will be ready.

Developers frequently update their apps to provide bug fixes or bring some improvements or new features. In order to see apps working flawlessly, you need to keep them updated. If you are new to this OS and want to know how to update all Android apps at once, keep on reading.

Tip: How to update all Android apps at once

Android comes with many options when it comes to app updates. You can enable the option to update the apps automatically, or you can do it manually. Instead of tapping on each app, there is a button you need to press, and you’ll update them all.

However, when you are planning to update all Android apps at once, make sure that you are connected to a Wi-Fi network instead of mobile data. Let’s say there are 10 updates ready. If you are using mobile internet, this action will eat a lot of data, so it’s better to be connected to a Wi-Fi network.

To update all Android apps at once, follow the steps below:

  • Open Google Play Store on your Android device
  • Now, tap on the hamburger icon in the top-left to open the menu
  • When the menu opens, tap My apps & games
  • Tap on Updates tab
  • You will see the list of apps that need to be updated
  • Just tap on the “Update all” button

update all Android apps at once

  • Once you tap Update all button, the downloading process will start
  • Let your device finish the update

update all Android apps at once

Once this is completed, you can use the latest version of the apps you just updated. You may notice new features, perhaps even a new design. If the app previously had some bugs, they may be fixed with the latest update.

This is how you can update all Android apps at once. It is pretty simple. Instead of tapping on each app separately, all you need to do is tap Update all and you’ll be done in no time.