Samsung Fixes The Backward Pen Issue On New Galaxy Note 5

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Samsung reportedly has done a revision on Galaxy Note 5 to solve the backward pen issue, according to Phandroid. The Backward pen issue appeared after some users complained that the S-pen cannot be removed from Note 5 when they inserting backward and makes the mechanism inside the port broken. It’s found out by the public as a design flaw on Note 5.

Regarding this issue, at that time, Samsung responded it directly by asking users to read the instruction carefully, and there is a warning to insert the S-pen stylus correctly and not backward. Moreover, they make a new packaging, which has a warning sign about it when user unboxed the device for the first time.

Samsung FIxes The Backward Pen Issue On New Galaxy Note 5

Evidently, besides the thing above, without an official announcement, Samsung has changed the hardware design in new Galaxy Note 5. The new model includes a new mechanism on S-pen port, in which it will not be broken when the user entering S-pen backward.

Samsung FIxes The Backward Pen Issue On New Galaxy Note 5

“The switch, which you can see on the left in the image above, has a greyish white tab that seems to be designed to allow you to safely eject the S-Pen when it’s inserted backwards without fear. It looks like this may be an external cap piece that fits over the original design. Our source says it works beautifully despite the fact that it’s seemingly attached with a piece of adhesive tape. The previous design — the small black tab you see on the right motherboard — didn’t offer such safety.”

This is a good news for you who are planning to buy Note 5. It also shows the Samsung commitment in giving the best for their customer.


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