In this article i will discuss how to untethered jailbreak and unlock your IPhone 3gs .
Before anything else, you need a couple of apparatus before you get started
Things you need to Jailbreak IPhone 3GS 4.1
1 Download the latest version of RedSn0w
2 Download your Firmware here
After you have downloaded RedSn0w, Extract and Open it as administrator
jailbreak and unlock iphone 3gs 4.1 baseband 05. 14. 02
3 Connect you IPhone 3GS. to your Computer, Make sure you have itunes installed
4 While you IPhone 3gs is connected to your pc, open RedSn0w
5 After this screen appears. Click Extra
At this step you will need to select -Select IPSW. Browse for the Firmware you have downloaded f to jailbreak and unlock iphone 3gs 4.1 baseband 05. 14. 02
After you have selected your firmware Go back to the this screen
6 Select Jail break and install Cydia
7 Now is the time to put your iphone 3gs 4.1 in DUF Mode.
RedSn0w will guide your through the process .
Your IPhone 3GS will be exploit in the next step
After IPhone 3GS has Finish Exploiting .
Here you will select
> Check Cydia
>Downgrade From Ipad Baseband —06.15.00 to 05.15.00 (Important Step)
(Optional) – Install IPad base band then downgrade after
jailbreak and unlock iphone 3gs 4.1 baseband 05. 14. 02
9 After you have selected those 2 Options, your IPhone 3gs will reboot again to upload new boot rom, kernels and loader
After it has completed, your device will boot with no Service . To fix this download and install ultrasn0w from cydia
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