Jumped on the latest iOS 8 bandwagon? I’m sure you will be noticing some lags. And don’t worry, you’re not alone. The latest mobile operating system of Apple that has rolling into iPhone, iPad and iPod, is much more buggier than its predecessor. Crittercism says that the latest operating system is crashing 78% more than the previous one. And while that crashing is much lesser on the latest Apple devices, iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus, which averages around 2.63%.
The crash rates increase on iPhone 4, 4s, 5 and 5s, which average around 3.57%. If we compare these crash rates to the previous mobile operating system, the crash rate on iOS 7 is 2% on all the devices running it.
One thing we have to say, is that the latest operating system is buggy out of the box. But if we compare it with the previous one, it will not be a fari comparison, because Apple did spent a substantial amount of time addressing the issues of iOS 7. But we can expect quick fixes to these issues, and the first patch of iOS 8 is waiting on the deck to be release that would be iOS 8.0.1
We hope that the first patch will surely get rid of most of these bugs right away.