Interesting Experiment Apps Of Apple Pencil And iPad Pro: Weight scale, Audiokit Synthesizer, 3D Image Controller

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Interesting Experiment App Apple Pencil and iPad Pro: Weight scale, Audiokit Synthesizer, 3D Image Controller.

Do you still remember an experiment app, called Plum-O-Meter that utilizes 3D Touch technology on iPhone 6s to compare the weight of two Plums? With the quite similar idea, a developer makes an experiment app using the technology of Apple Pencil and iPad Pro. There are 3 experiment apps: Pencilscale, PencilSynth, and PencilController. The developer uploaded 3 videos of each experiment apps via YouTube without narration and explanation, but we can get the idea with ease.

PencilScale is an app to show the possibility of the Apple Pencil’s potency to become a digital scale. However, the measurement result shows that the Apple pencil doesn’t have a good accuracy. Here is the video:

PencilSynth is an experiment app, which shows its potential as an Audiokit powered synth using:
– The Pencil’s horizontal position on the screen to control frequency
– The Pencil’s vertical position on screen to control the modulating multiplier
– The Pencil’s altitude angle to control the carrier multiplier
– The Pencil’s azimuth angle to control the modulation index

PencilController is an experiment app to show the Apple pencil’s potency as a controller for the fine setting of parameters to Core Image filters. Three image filtering modes:

  • Hue/Saturation – Apple Pencil’s azimuth angle controls hue and its altitude angle controls the saturation
  • Brightness/Contrast – Apple Pencil’s altitude angle along North/South controls contrast and the angle along West/East controls brightness
  • Gamma/Exposure – Apple Pencil’s altitude angle along North/South controls exposure and the angle along West/East controls gamma

The demonstration shows a potential of Apple Pencil, iPad Pro, and iOS 9. These apps probably won’t be available on the App Store due to its rules and limitation. You can find the detail explanation and swift code of these three experiment apps on the developer’s blog in this link: Pencilscale, PencilSynth and PencilController.

Via: MacRumors

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