How To Organize Apps On iPhone 11 – iOS 13

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Getting frustrated every time you want to find a specific app on your iPhone 11? I believe you are not alone. Why does it happen? First, start by counting how many apps you have on your iPhone. One hundred, two hundred, or even more. Then, you have to swipe over the pages to get the app you want; sometimes, it takes forever before you finally find it. If it happens over and over again, it means you need to learn how to organize apps on the iPhone 11 immediately.

How To Organize Apps On The iPhone 11

Step 1 – Clear Out Some Apps

The iPhone 11 comes with a Safari browser, Apple Music, and Apple TV Plus app, but you might also have Chrome, Spotify, Netflix, or other third-party apps. How about social media apps? Besides Facebook and Instagram, you might also have Twitter, Linkedin, Snapchat, and so on. That’s just a small number of apps every iPhone user has. You may not use some anymore, but you forgot to remove them.

The first thing you can do to organize apps on the iPhone 11 is to clear out the apps you no longer use. To remove an app from your home screen, press deep on the app until a prompt appears, then choose Delete App. You can also use another method by pressing the app with your finger deeply until the app wiggles and tapping the ”x” sign to delete it.

Step 2 – Choose Four Most Used Apps

On the bottom of your iPhone 11 screen is a dock where you can put essential apps or the ones you use most. Therefore, choose your four apps wisely. For example, I put Phone, iMessage, Apple Music, and Settings because I use them more often than any other apps.

Step 3 – Create Folders

After you clear out the unused apps, sort them into categories. When it comes to iPhone apps, you can sort them into social media, photo editing, travel, productivity apps, and more. This way, finding them whenever you need them will be easier.

Next, you must create folders on the iPhone for those categories you have just made. Touch and hold your finger on any app and select Edit Home Screen on the prompt. Once you see the ”x” sign on the apps, use your finger to drag an app to another app in the same category or to a folder. For instance, drag a Facebook to the Instagram app to create a new folder automatically. You can rename the folder by typing any name you want into the folder box. Tap Done when you finish.

Step 4 – How To Find

Once you organize all the apps on your iPhone 11 into folders, I bet it will be easier for you to find a particular app. However, swipe the home screen to the right if you are in a rush and need to access an app faster. Type the app’s name and tap search.