How to install themes on Telegram

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This guide will teach you how to find and change themes on your Telegram app. We are going to give you a detailed step-by-step guide. This will be an easy-to-follow guide, and the steps are pretty much the same for all the devices.

Steps to Install Themes on Telegram

  • You will first need to open the Telegram app on your phone. We hope that you are already logged into your Telegram account, but if not, log in now to continue with the steps.
  • Once the Home page of the Telegram app has opened on your device, you will need to click on the Search button located in the top right corner of your phone’s screen.
  • In the Search bar, you will need to type the word Themes. The top results of the search appear right under the search bar.
  • The top search result will probably be the Android Themes Channel or THEMES (the Channel for iOS devices).
  • Choose the channel, click on it, and start browsing the themes.
  • When you are on Android Themes Channel, and you find the theme you like, click on it to check it out and tap Apply.
  • If you are on THEMES Channel (for iOS), and find the theme you like, click on it, and tap Set.

And that is it. You now have a new theme added to your Telegram app. If you sometimes want to change the theme, you can always do so. Just open the Channel and find the theme that you like.

Having some problems while trying to download the theme?

First, you must check if you have downloaded the theme to your device correctly. If the file icon does not appear next to the theme’s name, it means that the theme has not been downloaded to your device. You can try downloading it the same way. Also, it might help if you close the Channel and open it again. After refreshing the chat, try downloading the theme once again.

And, of course, check your internet connection. The download process is not going to be able to start if you do not have the internet at the moment.