Problems that occur on the iPhone 4s cannot receive and make call much happens when a person is traveling abroad. When they returned to their country, they found their iPhone 4s cannot receive and make call. Of course it is not only the cause of this problem arises, it could be a related hardware issue causing this problem. Here, we’re going to share troubleshooting how to fix iPhone 4s cannot receive and make call. Technobezz will divide the troubleshooting into 2 major methods which we call: Do It Your self (DIY) Method and Expert Method.
Technobezz disclaimer: Technobezz will not responsible for loosing data or hardware issue that might appear in doing this troubleshooting. Do it with your own risk. We will provide you with excelent methods but incertain thing cannot be predicted. That’s why we recommend you to do this important steps first before you do the troubleshoot:
- Backup your iPhone 4s, See Ultimate Guide How to Backup to Mac/PC or Backup to iCloud because some steps can make you lose your iPhone data.
- If your iPhone 4s still covered by warranty, you have a full right to report your issue after you do a DIY method. Through a genius bar at Apple Store, make a phone call to Applecare or the nearest Apple Authorized Service Provider.
Do It Your self Method
Make Sure:
- Make sure that you are still have calling plans and check if your SIM card is still active by calling provider from another phone or do a manual check according to your provider.
- Make sure you are in the area have enough signal from BTS for receive call or making call.
- If you are using iPhone GSM, make sure to unlock it: Settings >> Phone >> SIM PIN
- Try to use another well function SIM card with calling plans still active
- Try to apply your SIM card to other iPhone. Does the same issue appears? If it doesn’t appear, seems that you have to do these following troubleshooting
iOS Troubleshooting
- Restart iPhone by pressing and holding the power and home button until iPhone restart.
- Power off iPhone by pressing and holding power button for some times until a “slide Power Off” message appears, then turn it back the iPhone by pressing a power button for seconds.
- Go to Settings >> Airplane Mode (swipe it on for at least 15 seconds, then turn it on again)
- Turn off cellular data for a while in: Settings >> Cellular Data
- Try to swipe off 3G or LTE
- On the device, go to Settings >> General >> About to look for a carrier settings update.
- Go to Settings >> Carrier >> swipe off Automatic then choose your provider manually
- Reset iPhone Network Settings. Settings >> General >> Reset >> Reset Network Settings. iPhone will restart to do this Reset Network.
- Erase all content and settings. Settings >> General >> Reset >> Reset all content and settings.
- Restore iPhone. Plug iPhone to Mac/PC then launch iTunes. Tap Trust on your iPhone popup message. your iPhone will be detected in the iTunes and on tab summary click Restore. Firmware will be download first and wait for the process to be done.
- Restore iPhone in recovery mode. To take your iPhone to recovery mode: Plug iPhone to Mac/PC then launch iTunes. Hold down power button and home button until the iPhone restarts and when Apple logo starts to appear, release the power button but keep on pressing the home button until iTunes sign and cable lightning on your iPhone 4s screen are appear. Choose Restore and iTunes will download firmware that is need and restore your iPhone 4s to factory setting.
- Restore your iPhone 4s in DFU mode: plug iPhone to Mac/PC then launch iTunes. Hold down power button and home button until iPhone restarts. Count until 5 seconds and release power button but keep pressing the home button. If it succeeds, your iPhone screen will remain dark but iTunes will detect your iPhone 4s in recovery mode. Choose Restore and iTunes will download firmware that is need and restore your iPhone 4s to factory setting.
Expert Method
Hardware Troubleshooting and Checking
If the iOS troubleshooting has you done but you’re still facing the issue. well if our iPhone 4s still covered by warranty, Apple will give a replacement for your iPhone 4s. this is a typical fixing for Cellular, voice call issue, a replacement to the new one, if they didn’t do a hardware troubleshooting inside, or they will replace certain part. For you who are curios and have read our disclaimer. we will try to give you a general description of what you can do on hardware troubleshooting.
A part that need to be watch is Qualcomm RTR8605 Multi-band/mode RF Transceiver which is located on logic board. The technical which is often done by unauthorized expert technician is heating that Qualcomm RTR8605 Multi-band/mode RF Transceiver with certain temperature by using hot air rework station.

See also: How To Fix Siri and Dictation is Not Working on iPhone After Update iOS 8.4