How To Change Your Twitch Account Via PS4

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Twitch and PS4 have one thing in common – games. They are two platforms that offer entertainment services to their users. Due to the recent cross-connection between platforms, it is possible to log in to your Twitch account on PS4 (PlayStation Four). This enables you to share your activity, game success, and experience on PS4.

You can also enjoy Twitch streams on PS4 by downloading the Twitch app on the PlayStation Store. Since you can link Twitch and PS4, this article will guide you on how to change your Twitch account via PS4.

Twitch and PS4

Twitch is a development of Twitch Interactive, which is under Amazon parenthood. On the other hand, the PS4 is part of the PlayStation Network, a provision of Sony Interactive Entertainment. PS4 is popularly known as a gaming console, while Twitch is a video game streaming platform. You can stream the game live on Twitch (say, Fifa 20) that is happening on PS4. These platforms are intertwined, and a PS4 gamer is likely to have a Twitch account.

Both Twitch and PS4 are great developments in the world of entertainment.

Change your Twitch to PS4

Before you do this, you need to have a Twitch account since you will change from one to another. If not, visit and register. It shouldn’t take you very long, and once you are done, you can go back and change your Twitch account.

This guide will help you sign out of one Twitch account and into another. You can use your handheld controller to navigate through the following steps:

  1. Make sure that your PS4 is on and that the network connectivity is okay.
  2. Once your PlayStation is on, press the PlayStation button on your handheld controller.
  3. On the display menu, navigate to the ’Settings' icon. The icon looks like a briefcase with two eyes. Press the "X" to show the "Settings" screen (the "X" button is the "Enter" button while the "O" button is the "Back" button).
  4. Once the screen is switched on to "Settings", use the direction buttons to go down to the "Account Management" option.
  5. Under "Account Management", go down to "Link with Other Services". This option is right below "Privacy Settings".
  6. On the "Link with Other Services" screen, you will see a list of platforms you can connect to. Depending on where you are from, the options could be Spotify, Twitter, YouTube, and, in this case, Twitch.
  7. Navigate to Twitch It should be having a tick next to it since it is assumed that an account is already logged in. After a "Please Wait" moment, the "Link your Account to Twitch" screen will show. Also, the PS4 will tell you that your SEN (Sony Entertainment Network) is now linked to your Twitch account and will display the username of that account.
  8. Choose the "Sign Out" button. A message will appear informing you that you will be delinking the two accounts by signing out. Once again, choose "Sign Out".
  9. When this is successful, you will be taken back to the ‘Link with Other Services’ screen (step 6).
  10. On this screen, tap the ‘Twitch’ option and choose ‘Sign In.’
  11. You can use QR code scanning or a special code to activate your other Twitch account on the PS4.
  12. Once the above is complete, a screen (step 7) will show you the newly linked Twitch account active on your PS4.