How To Fix Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Not Charging Issue

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Not charging or slow charging is a very common issue of most of the android devices, and it’s true for Samsung Galaxy Note 4 as well. A lot of users are facing this Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Not Charging issue. If you are one of those users, here are some fixes that can be followed in order to fix the issue.

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Not Charging

Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Not Charging

See also: How to fix Galaxy Note 4 battery drain issue

Potential Fixes For Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Not Charging Issue

There could be several reasons for Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Not Charging issue, and the solutions are listed below: You can also read battery saving tips for android devices to extend the battery life of your device.

Step 1: Use the correct charger

First, ensure you are using the Samsung charger and cable that you got with your Galaxy Note 4 device when you bought it. The reason is different chargers have different voltage ratings and another charger might not work out for the Galaxy Note 4.

Also, if the phone is charging from your Laptop or PC, try to charge it from a wall socket.

Step 2: Let the device charge for a while before using it

Sometimes what happens is the battery of Galaxy Note 4 gets entirely drained and it takes few minutes for the charging to take effects. So, it is suggested to leave the phone at least for 30 minutes charging before you attempt to use it.

Step 3: Fix USB port

The first step is to check the USB port as the problem may occur if the MicroUSB charger and the USB port are not making good contact. It could be a manufacturing problem or may happen because of continuous plugging and unplugging.

So, take out the battery from the phone after turning it off. Take a small thing like a toothpick and level up the tab inside the USB port of your phone. Now put in the battery back and check.

Step 4: Change the cable

If the previous steps did not work to solve Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Not Charging issue, then the charging cable might be faulty. So try with another charger and see. If the charging cable seems fine, then check the wall adapter.

Step 5: Clean the port

Sometimes, dirt gets stored in the charging port, and it blocks the connection. In result, Samsung Galaxy Note 4 Not Charging issue occurs. So take a look and if you see any debris is there, clean it using a small pin but do it carefully.

Step 6: Update or rollback the OS

The Android version plays a great role. So, if you are using the older version of Android, upgrade to the latest version to see if the problem is resolved. But if the case is reverse, and you already updated it and since then facing this issue, you should rollback to the earlier version to resolve the issue.

Step 7: Check battery

If all the above steps do not work, then you may have a defective battery. Take the battery out and try with another battery if you have it and see. If it works normally, replace the battery and everything will work perfectly.