How To Fix BlackBerry Z10 Battery Dies At 30-15%

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Although the Z10 has a removable 1,800mAh battery, there are some few minor issues with this battery that users are facing. Recently, I have gotten a complaint by a Blackberry user, stating that every time his Blackberry is at 25% the phone would automatically shut off. While some people may conclude that it’s some software or update issues, well it’s not.

I have just recently bought a blackberry z10,its less than two months old but surprisingly it cannot run with its battery level at/below 25%,i dnt get warning signs for low battery anymore,it just switches off,what could be the problem?

There are several reasons why your blackberry Z10 Turn off at 30-15%. One of the reasons is security wipes. Security wipes should be taken keenly with precautions because when a user updates his Blackberry and performs a security wipe it affects the calibration sensor,  thus causes the battery to die at a low percentage.

How To Fix BlackBerry Z10 Battery Dies At 30-15%

For this guide to be effective, you must be running the most recent operating system of Blackberry. There are three ways to update your blackberry Z10:

  1. On the web
  2. Using BlackBerry® Link
  3. From your smartphone (over-the-air)

Navigate to the official Blackberry website to Update your Blackberry Z10

After you are on the latest OS, proceed with the instructions .

See also: How to Fix BlackBerry Z10 Slow Wi-Fi Issue

Battery Re-Calibration -Fix Z10 Battery Dies at 30-15%

By re-calibrating your Blackberry Z10 battery it will restore its full potential and capacity.

Source Wikipedia

If overheated or overcharged, Li-ion batteries may suffer thermal runaway and cell rupture. In extreme cases this can lead to combustion. Deep discharge may short-circuit the cell, in which case recharging would be unsafe. To reduce these risks, Lithium-ion battery packs contain fail-safe circuitry that shuts down the battery when its voltage is outside the safe range of 3–4.2 V per cell. When stored for long periods the small current draw of the protection circuitry itself may drain the battery below its shut down voltage; normal chargers are then ineffective. Many types of lithium-ion cell cannot be charged safely below 0°C

By Preforming a full Re-Calibration, it will make your blackberry Z10 battery more accurate. Following are the steps for that:

  • Remove the battery from your Blackberry 

    Remove battery


  • Plug in original charger into your blackberry without the battery inserted, VIA PC. Do not connect it to the wall socket 
  • Leave it there plugged in for 30 minutes
  • After that insert the battery without removing the charger
  • Let the blackberry charge to 100% 

    Battery charge 100%


  • When the battery is fully charged remove the charger
  • Let your Z10 drains to 0%(Discharge) ( Do intensive CPU usage tasks, Play games, stream videos etc.)
  • Repeat these steps twice
  • The battery will subsequently receive it’s charging cycle
  • By performing this  3 times  in every 6 months, will keep your battery in good standing.