How To Display Recent Applications on Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4

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One of the advantages of Tab Pro 8.4 is multi window where you can display the recent applications. At a time, you can use two or more windows such as answering email and watching movie or editing a presentation and searching the web. It is possible to customize various dashboards along with organizing and prioritizing all of your recent applications. Now you might be thinking How To Display Recent Applications on Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4?

How To Display Recent Applications on Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4

How To Display Recent Applications on Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4

See also- How to setup Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4

Display the engaging applications screen on the Tab Pro 8.4 will allow to view the information of application and remove any kind of applications from a list that is recently used. If you want to stop any recent application, it will not be stopped automatically; it will be running in the back end using the portion of RAM. Continuation of running applications in the back end will slow the performance of your tab over the time. It will be better to call upon the applications on the Tab screen and try to close the applications which are not necessary (you may close all feeds from the list).

Steps On How To Display Recent Applications on Samsung Galaxy Tab Pro 8.4

> If you want to quick access (Recent applications screen + Task manager) from any app and from any location > touch the Recent Apps Key. The Recent Apps key will be found at the left side of the Home button.

> Hold on an application from the list in order to view the App info or Remove from the list (For example, example you want to remove an app from the list in order to close it, then follow the next steps). Press Remove from list > Press Close all.

When you find that, your Tab is slow, then you can close the unnecessary applications from the Recent Application screen.

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