Some Common Problems On Windows Phone 8 And Their Solutions

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Though the Microsoft Windows Phone 8 mobile platform came into the market with many great features, it also has several flaws such as random reboots, volume that won’t change, an auto-brightness bug, screen freezing and many others. Here is a list of some common problems on Windows Phone 8, and a discussion of the solutions.

Common Problems

Common Problems On Windows Phone 8

Volume won’t change

A lot of users have reported that they have been having problems changing the volume on their Windows Phone 8 devices when listening to music. They are not able to change the volume of the music during a specific track by using the volume buttonsthe volume does not change until the track has ended.

1. To fix this problem, restart your phone by pressing and holding the Power button for 10 seconds, and then turn it back on again. The problem may go away temporarily.

2. If you are using a Nokia Lumia device, use a Music app instead.

3. Low volume that won’t change is related to a specific app. You can use an alternative app, and then you shouldn’t have this problem.

See Also- How to fix camera problem on Windows Phone 8

Auto-brightness bug

The Auto-brightness bug is one of the most common problems on Windows Phone 8 devices, mainly on the Nokia Lumia 920. A lot of users have reported problems with fluctuating screen brightness. It is possible that this bug is occurring due to the Portico update. It seems that a bug has been introduced, and it is having an impact on the auto-brightness.

1. You can disable auto-brightness and set your phone to medium brightness to avoid the fluctuating brightness issue.

2. Some users said that they had success, or the fluctuation was reduced, by turning their phone on in a dark environment and letting the sensors adjust to the darkness.
Screen freezing

Screen freezing is another common problem on Windows Phone 8. A lot of users have been having issues with their screen’s freezing and an unresponsive touch screen. There may be various reasons behind the problem. However, here are the fixes.

1. Press the Power and Volume down buttons and hold them for 10 seconds. Your phone will be restarted and should work as normal.

2. If the problem is not solved by restarting, check to see if you have the latest software updates by going to App list > Settings > Phone update > Check for updates.

Read alsoHow To Fix common problems on Windows Phone