Meta introduces AI Sandbox for advertisers to make ads more creative
Meta, the company formerly known as Facebook, has unveiled an AI Sandbox for advertisers to test new generative AI tools that can make their ads more visually appealing. The AI-powered tools include text variation, background generation and image outcropping.
The text variation feature will allow advertisers to create multiple versions of the text to reach different audiences. In the demo, Meta generated four different ad texts for an advertiser's product description.
Meanwhile, background generation will enable advertisers to replace the standard white background with more imaginative ones, and image outcropping allows the same post to be adapted to fit different platforms such as Stories or Reels.
These features will provide developers with more creative options for their ads, resulting in more visually appealing ads for users and more revenue for advertisers.
Although the features are currently only available to a small group of advertisers, they will gradually roll out to others starting in July.
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