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Mario Andretti Racing Outages and Problems

0 Complaint

Within the past 24 hours

Mario Andretti Racing outages and issues reported in the last 24 hours

The interactive chart above illustrates the number of problems reported by users. It is the total amount of reports that were received for Mario Andretti Racing over the past 24 hours. An outage is decided when the number of user complaints is higher than average

About Mario Andretti Racing

Italian-born Mario Andretti is one of the most successful racing drivers in the US scene, and five of his relatives have also raced professionally. This game allows you to sample Indy cars, stock cars and sprint cars, all of which have been graced by Andrettis. The physics are customized to each of these, so expect sprint cars to slide around on the dirt tracks, and the slipstream effect is detectable. There are 27 computer-controlled cars with individual profiles, and 8 cars to choose from in each race, with varying engine, grip, brakes and pit crew standards. You can view the action either from behind the car, or from the nose. In longer races you must monitor the pit strategy, with the options of a splash 'n' dash stop if your tires are still fine.

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Mario Andretti Racing Information


  • First Release Date : Dec, 31 1994
  • Total Reported Problems:0



Game Modes

    Game Engines

      Player Perspective


        • high score,real photos on cover art,vehicle customization